Monday, February 15, 2016

Started a Today I learned project on Github

I started my own Today I learned project on Github

Today I learned

A collection of concise write-ups on small things I learn day to day across a variety of languages and technologies. These are things that don't really warrant a full blog post. Idea stolen from jbranchaud/til

You can find that project here
The reason I did this is because it gives me an opportunity to use Github, all my stuff is usually backend SQL Server code, I also don't do any web or app programming. The reason I like the Today I Learned project is that you can easily see all the stuff that you have learned over time. I will probably mostly add R and Powershell items in the foreseeable future. I am messing mostly with R on my own time and Powershell at work. Once I start diving deeper into SQL Server 2016, I will probably add that stuff as well to my Today I Learned Github project.

What do you think... cool idea or not?

Again, you can find that project here

Monday, January 4, 2016

How I will learn Chinese

I decided to write down what I will use to learn the coming weeks. Here are some of the things that I am currently doing and some things I will be doing in the near future.

Watch videos on Youtube
There are a bunch of videos I have already watched, there are also a bunch that I bookmarked. Here is one of the videos that I have already watched several times

I like Dani Wang's videos and will watch all of them shortly.

Here is a video that I have bookmarked but will watch this week. This video is by Yangyang Cheng, it is a Google hangout showing you the most effective way to learn Mandarin tones, tone pairs

Listen to Podcasts
I downloaded the Learn Chinese | podcast

I have already listened several time to Lesson #1 - What's Your Name in Chinese? It is actually fun and quite interesting. I listen to most podcast at 1.5 speed but always have to remind myself to set it back to 1.0 speed with this language podcast

Visit websites
There are a bunch of sites that I have bookmarked, I have read some of these already and some are bookmarks because those sites were listen on some of these but I did not get enough time to read them all yet. Here is just a small list for you to check out.

How to Learn Mandarin Chinese

Tim Ferriss, 4 hour workweek blog
How to Learn Any Language in 3 Months
How to Learn (But Not Master) Any Language in 1 Hour
12 Rules for Learning Foreign Languages in Record Time — The Only Post You’ll Ever Need

Real Chinese - For starters
Quick Fix - Essential phrases in Chinese
How to learn Chinese
Printable PDF Mandarin Flashcards

CHINESE in 10 minutes a day
I have the Italian version of this book, it contains the following

  • 132-page illustrated workbook
  • Full color throughout
  • Organized in 25 easy steps, by essential categories
  • 150 Sticky Labels for home and office
  • Ready-made Flash Cards

This is a real beginners book and is fun to learn from. It will arrive by the end of this week so I will be doing all the other stuff I mentioned in this post instead.

Watch a movie in Chinese and trying to understand it. I own only 2 movies that are in Chinese: Hero and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. But luckily for me, my local library has a lot of Chinese movies, here is just a small example of the stuff that they have, there are several of these cases filled with movies.

I won't get to the movies for a couple of months, at this stage there is no point, I probably might recognize 5 words in total. But I will try to watch my first movie in April or so and will let you know how that goes.