Saturday, January 9, 2021

Some ideas for 2021, books to read or to get, stuff to plant, exercise to do

Here are just some ideas of what I would like to do in 2021, these are all non professional goals if you will

Run 800 miles

I ran 800.3 miles last year, this should be easily doable, it's about 4 miles 4 times a week

Read 50 books

Last year I read 60 books.. I assume at some point, I will be back in the office two times a day or so, this will maybe bump it down to 50 books from 60 books

Books in the queue

These are  books I or my kids already own, some of these I have gifted to them this Christmas season (Masters of Doom, 1984, Brave New World, Infinite Jest, Pirate Latitudes)

I have not read any of these except for 1984 and Brave New World, I will re-read those, it's been 20 years or more since I last read those

Here is a picture of some of these books.....

Books to read in 2021

Here is the full list, the titles link to Amazon so you can read the reviews there

18,300 pushups

Do about 100 pushups every other day.. this adds up to about 18,300 pushups for the whole year

10,000 in dividends

Last year I received 9551 in dividends, since companies increase the dividend payout usually every 4 quarters and since I reinvest them, I should be easily able to get 10K

300 Hours of Pluralsight watching

I plan to watch about 6 hours a week of Pluralsight content. About 1 hour at lunch time and then 1 hour over the weekend

Get 10 of these book in 2021

Get at least  10 9 books of the "wish list" below

I have heard about these from friends or family. I also might have heard about these books from the various podcasts I listen to

Plant all these peppers

We got the following seeds in December

Spicy Peppers For 2021

The 3 packs on the left side are the Carolina Reaper, Trinidad Scorpion and Apocalypse Scorpion. These are some of the hottest peppers.... these things just look menacing, you can see they look spicy

Last year we planted 31 plants, you can those in the 2020 in Numbers... post

I am excited about the chocolate habaneros, those look pretty cool

Progress so far

Activity Count %
Pushups 370 2.02%
Run 22.17 2.77%
Pluralsight Hours Watched   2.13 0.711%
Books Read 1 2%
Dividends $63.89 0.6389%


Book Finished

Date    Title
-----    -------------------------------------------------------
Jan 3    St Petersburg

Pluralsight Course Finished

Date    Title
-----    -------------------------------------------------------

Saturday, January 2, 2021

2020 in Numbers...

I am glad 2020 ended and hopefully 2021 will be much better.  A couple of items on my list for this year got either postponed or will never happen.  I planned to go to the PASS Summit in Texas in 2020, that obviously didn't happen and it looks like it won't happen in the future either. PASS is no more :-(

Here are some numbers for 2020 that I put together looking at some sheets and journals

Calories burned running. I ran a little over 800 miles this year and burned what seems like a lot of calories. But since we are all home, the wife and kids did a lot of baking, this evened out the calories :-)


Pushups.  I try to do 100 pushups every 2 or 3 days, this is the total for the year

Dividends. This is the total amount of dividends I received this year. All of these have been reinvested. Until I retire, I am doing a reinvestment into the same security

Miles run. My goal was 800 and I stuck to it... It's nothing major, about 4 miles 4 times a week

Days since I was last in the office
I told my wife when the office is open again, you won't see me for a month :-)

The number of books I read
Since there is no commute, I had some more time to read this year, I read about 5 books per month

Some of the book I read


Will have my 5 favorite books after the numbers list

Longest bike ride. 
Did this bike ride with my oldest son. We left around 6:40 AM because it went up to 95 degrees that day. I Also managed to get a flat tire 30 miles in :-(
After we came home we just sat on the couch for the rest of the day


Number of pepper plants planted
We planted 31 spicy pepper plants. We picked a lot of the peppers, gave away a bunch, made pepper flakes etc etc

Here are some pics
The first one is the ghost pepper

Ghost Peppers

Picked Peppers

Spicy Peppers

Pickled Peppers

Seasons of shows I watched and finished with my wife
Narcos Mexico II
Mr Robot I
Mr Robot II
Mr Robot III
Mr Robot IV
The Crown I
Succession I
Succession II
Succession III
Ozark III
Curb Your Enthusiasm X

Number of tables I dropped on the production database server

Best item purchased
Since I am working from home constantly, I decided to invest in a universal docking station. We got new laptops from work, they only come with 2 USB ports, and of course these are right next to the HDMI port. Using this USB docking station makes live so much easier

USB docking station

And here is what it looks like, I included a mouse for scale (sorry didn't have a banana)

As you can see it comes with a nice pouch, it's really small and fits easily in your bag.

Best 5 books

Here are my favorite 5 books I read last year, I did not include books I re-read like The Stand and Fellowship of the ring

This is even more relevant now after the SolarWind hack

Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow 
I admit I did not know much about Hamilton, this was recommended by my brother in law. This is a fantastic book about a man who was part of the beginnings of the US

The Terror by Dan Simmons
I watched the show 2 years ago on AMC, the show is really good... but the book is even better

Permutation City by Greg Egan
Will this be us in 100 years?

There are two ways to go about things... either conserve.. or use technology to fix things.....

That's it for 2020......  I will be back in a couple of days to show my list of things for 2021....

Have a good 2021