Saturday, May 9, 2020

TWID May 9, 2020: Books and Plants

This is a post detailing some stuff I did, learned, posted and tweeted this week, I call this TWID (This week in Denis). I am doing this mostly for myself... a kind of an online journal so that I can look back on this later on. Will use the label TWID for these

It has been a while since I posted here.. but I decided to bring back the TWID posts again

I have been reading a lot lately, since I am already home for 60 days, I decided to read some of the big books I own or re-read them.  I already finished the Stand, almost done with Gotham and I am 35% done with the Lord of The Rings book.

I read 10 pages per day of the Gotham book and then I usually have a book I read at home and one while I commute. Since I am home now, I read the commuting book in the morning

Here is a pic of the books I owe but never read (except for the Lord Of the Rings book)


At the end of this post, you can see all the books I finished, what I am reading now and also what is in my backlog/queue to read.

Here you can see some of the seeds my son and I purchased


That's right.. the second one from the left in the top is a ghost chile... not sure yet what I will do with those.  Maybe make pepper spray or some extremely hot sauce   :-)

This is what the plants looked like a couple of weeks ago


This is what it looks like today

As you can see they are ready to be planted outside. It still cold at night but after Wednesday May 12th, these should be fine to be transplanted

Here you can see what the plants look like 2-3 weeks ago with a fan blowing on them

The reason you use a fan inside is to strengthen the the plants, this way they don't break when you put them outside and it is a little windy on the first day

This Week I Tweeted

As a result, crude was actually trading at a negative $3.70 a barrel when Shah’s screen had it at 1 cent; the reason: Interactive Brokers never displayed a subzero price to him as oil kept diving to end the day at minus $37.63 a barrel.
At midnight, Shah some very bad news: he owed Interactive Brokers $9 million. He’d started the day with $77,000 in his account, expecting that his biggest possible loss was 100%, or $77,000.

Ouch that is so bad, who knew oil could go negative....

Can't quit Excel

This happened to me.. pasted a lot of data into Excel on a VM and then tried to cancel it and quit.... nope.  So I just used task manager to kill it


Some cool stuff you might enjoy

You know about waitfor delay but did you know there is a waitfor time?

You may or may not know that WAITFOR has TIME in addition to DELAY

When I sold kinderzegels as part of school (semipostal stamps that benefit child welfare)

Mindmap Diagram Codes

This is pretty cool, you can create a mindmap, code on left.. output on the right, you can share it as well

Looks like this

Some Progress

Books finished so far/in progress

In progress

The Two Towers 21% done

Done with these

Book Completed
Stealth War: How China Took Over While America's Elite Slept 01/04
Sandworm: A New Era of Cyberwar and the Hunt for the Kremlin's Most Dangerous Hackers 01/25
Alexander Hamilton 02/12
The Quick Python Book, 3rd Edition 02/13
The Gene: An intimate history 02/17
Moonwalking with Einstein 02/27
The Somme 02/25
The Art of Learning 02/16
Ready to Run: Unlocking Your Potential to Run Naturally 03/08
The Tudors, a very short introduction 03/17
South: The Illustrated Story of Shackleton's Last Expedition 1914-1917  03/18
The Body: A Guide for Occupants 03/30
The Great Sea: A Human History of the Mediterranean 04/07
Tiny Habits: The Small Changes That Change Everything 04/11
Lifespan: Why We Age – and Why We Don’t Have To 04/27
The Stand 04/30
Fellowship of the ring 05/07

Books in the queue
These are next... in no specific order

Books to get
Here are the books I plan to get. These were either mentioned on more than one podcast, recommended by friends or are new books from authors I like, for example Eric Larson's latest book about Churchill and the Blitz

Running progress
My goal is to run 800 miles this year, this means about 4 runs of about 4 miles per week

Miles        Percentage
279.57 34.95%

So far that burned a bit under 43 thousand calories

Interesting quote....heard it on a podcast... don't remember which one  .. sorry  :-(

A fool never learns
A smart man learns from his mistakes
A wise man learns from the mistakes of others

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