Saturday, May 13, 2017

Kaizen Day 31/32, May 11/12 2017

This post is part of my daily kaizen routine, this is day 31/32 of that routine

May 11

Worked in NJ today, did the 2.2 mile walk to the train station.   No running or gym workouts today.

Had a sandwich for breakfast

Had General Tso's chicken for lunch

Walked a around while having meetings on the phone where I was mostly in listening mode

Walked the 2.2 miles back to home from the train station

For dinner, we had  turkey bolognese with string beans on the side

Activity for the day
Total steps:  18,432
Total floors: 6
Total distance: 9.5 miles

May 12

Got out of bed ad 5:10 AM today, had my coffee and listened to some podcasts. Left the house around 6:20 AM and ran for about 40 minutes. Midway my phone ran out of juice.... arghhhhh. It was kind of nice to run the way back with silence actually

Worked from home today

Had a cheese sandwich for lunch

For dinner, we had the same as last night since we made it for two days, we had  turkey bolognese with string beans on the side

Activity for the day
Total steps:  12,170
Total floors: 4
Total distance: 6 miles

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