This post is part of my daily kaizen routine, this is day 25 of that routine
I woke up at 5, had my coffee and then rode my bike to the gym. I did a chest, shoulder and tricep workout. During the workout I decided that between each set I would go up and down the stairs twice. By the time I was done with the workout I had climbed 56 floors. I then rode my back back home. I was back home by 7:30 AM
For breakfast I had a couple of eggs and some bread
I worked from home, had a bunch of meetings and did a fair amount of troubleshooting
Before work I installed CTP 2 of SQL Server 2017, I checked out the new SELECT INTO FileGroup functionality and wrote a short post about it: SQL Server 2017: SELECT INTO File Group
Before work I installed CTP 2 of SQL Server 2017, I checked out the new SELECT INTO FileGroup functionality and wrote a short post about it: SQL Server 2017: SELECT INTO File Group
I didn't eat lunch but I had some fruit and cheese during various times of the day
For dinner we made Mexican food since it was Cinco de Mayo. May 5th is also Bevrijdingsdag in the Netherlands. Bevrijdingsdag is celebrated each year on May the 5th to mark the end of the occupation by Nazi Germany during World War II.
For dessert I've been a bad boy and had cookies and cream ice cream...
My goal was to climb 100 floors, I ended up with climbing 101 floors. I did 45 of them at home, most of them were done during phone calls with work (backlog grooming, story closing and daily stand up)
Here is what the rest of the activity looks like
Total steps: 15,837
Total floors: 101
Total distance: 7.6 miles