Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Kaizen Day 10, Apr 19 2017

This post is part of my daily kaizen routine, this is day 10 of that routine

Today I got up at 4:45, 15 minutes before the alarm was set to go off. I had a little bit of cold brew coffee and read some news. I left the house around 5:30 and biked to the gym. It is about 4 miles or so to the gym, this took me about 20-25 minutes.

While I was biking I stopped at the graveyard near St Paul's cathedral and I took the most beautiful sunrise

Princeton Graveyard Sunrise

 Isn't that beautiful? It makes getting up in the dark so much worth  it.

At the gym I did back and biceps. I then biked back home, this was a little faster because a large part is downhill

Ate some sunny side up eggs, had some homemade bread and cornichons and cherry tomatoes with it

Didn't really eat lunch today but had 10 or so peanuts and also 2 slices of homemade banana bread my wife made

Dinner was some kind of vegetable and bean stew...  it was pretty tasty. Also had spring mixed salad with a lemon and olive oil dressing

Since I worked from home today, I only did 10K steps and 13 floors

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