Thursday, April 13, 2017

Kaizen Day 3/4, Apr 12/13 2017

This post is part of my daily kaizen routine, this is day 3/4 of that routine

April 12th

Decided to take a workout break. Worked from home, a sandwich for lunch and pasta fagioli with Swiss Chard and String beans for dinner. Had some cashews as well as a kiwi and a couple of clementines

April 13th

Back to NYC today..that means getting up at 4 AM, walking to the tran station for 40 minutes catching the 5:20 train, then transferring to the 5:55 path to World Trade Center. I read about 30 pages of the book When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi while on the NJ Transit train, I also listened to some podcasts while on the PATH train and while walking.

Stepped off the train, got out of the station and was greeted with a beautiful morning. Had to snap this picture and post it

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I then walked to the New York Sports Club gym on Broad street and did chest, shoulders and triceps as part of my workout. I also did 24 minutes of cardio which burned a total of 275 calories

After the gym I went to the office. I brought my breakfast and lunch from home today. For breakfast I had yogurt with kiwi, banana, clementine and some almonds

By 8 AM I did 12,000 steps and 15 floors

For lunch I brought a sandwich with Gouda cheese, cherry tomatoes and spring mix salad

Did the reverse commute around 5 PM, arrived home at 7 PM. My wife make pasta with turkey meatballs, tomatoes and peas for us. After dinner I had a clementine and a kiwi

Total steps for the day: 24K
Floors climbed today: 19
Distance: 11 miles

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