Sunday, May 21, 2017

Kaizen Day 39/40, May 19/20 2017

This post is part of my daily kaizen routine, this is day 39/40 of that routine

May 19th

I woke up at 5, had my coffee and then rode my bike to the gym. I did a chest and tricep workout. I then rode my back back home. I was back home by 7:30 AM

For breakfast I had some yogurt and fruit

Worked from home today, noticed it was bike to work day, since I biked home from the gym, I guess that counts.

Had a cheese sandwich for lunch

For dinner we grilled pork chops, string beans and sweet potatoes

Activity for the day
Total steps:  8,184
Total floors: 12
Total distance: 3.5  miles

May 20th

I woke up at 6, had my coffee and then rode my bike to the gym. I did a back, bicep and leg workout. I then rode my back back home. I was back home by 8:30 AM

Had some eggs with grated potatoes for breakfast

For lunch had some extra pasta that my kids made, pasta was with homemade tomato sauce and strin beans

For dinner we had burgers made from grass fed beef picked up from a farm nearby. With the burgers we had a spring mix salad, we picked this up at the farmers marker

Started to watch the The Wizard of Lies with my wife, a movie about the Bernie Madoff Ponzi scheme

Activity for the day
Total steps:  12,182
Total floors: 23
Total distance: 5.2  miles

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