Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Kaizen Day 41/42, May 22/23 2017

This post is part of my daily kaizen routine, this is day 41/42 of that routine

I woke up at 5, had my coffee and then rode my bike to the gym. I did a chest, shoulder and tricep workout. I then rode my back back home. I was back home by 7:30 AM

I worked from home today and I spent at least 5 hour on the phone in various meetings.

For breakfast I had eggs, asparagus and spring onions, I also had some bread

Lunch was a cheese sandwich

For dinner we had pasta with ground meat and cauliflower

May 22

Activity for the day
Total steps:  10,010
Total floors: 14
Total distance: 4.8  miles

May 23

Today I didn't do any workout, I did walk the 2.2 miles to the train station when going to work

Spent a good 3 hours on the phone today. I managed to beat my buddy Vlad again in 9 ball at work, he would say I had a lot of luck

For lunch I had a burrito and avocado

Dinner was lentil soup  made with my homemade chicken broth, we also added kale and some pasta to eat.

Had some blueberries, a peach and an apricot for dessert

Activity for the day
Total steps:  19,426
Total floors: 8
Total distance: 8.4  miles

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